
Results gathered for Ro-mbáe laithi rordu rind

Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 P 2 
context: Senchas síl Ír   incipit: Rombai laithi rordu rind.   

8 qq.

f. 116r  
Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 P 2 
context: Senchas síl Ír   

2½ qq only.

f. 131v  
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1339 
context:    rubric: Aisneidem di araill   incl. Ro-mbáe laithi rordu rind, A Fhiachnae na ráid in gáe   On the descendants of Conchobar, Fergus and Mog Ruith (mag Fergusa); section headed Dimittans interim Claind Fergusa dicamus Claind Conaill Cernaig (331b); pedigrees of descendants of Conall Cernach and Conchobar mac Nessa; incl. 2 qq beg. Maicne Chonchobuir ind ríg [cf. longer citation in Rawl. B 502, beg. A Fhiachnae ná ráid in gáe], headed Mongan cecinit (331c); and 7 qq beg. Rom-bói lathe rordu rind, headed Conchobor cecinit (331c); pedigrees headed Fergus mc do Roig; .g. Dal Moga Ruith (331ca-cc).
in section: p. 331a–p. 331c
Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1339 
7 qq attr. to Conchobar (mac Nessa).
p. 331c  
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Laud Misc. 610/Leabhar na Rátha 
context:    rubric: Cland Conchubor [sic] iterum   incl. Ro-mbáe laithi rordu rind, Macne Conchobuir ind ríg   

Item on Conchobar, which includes two qq attributed to Mongán, beg. Macne Conchobuir ind ríg, and 7 qq attributed to Conchobar, beg. Rombe lathe rordu rind.

in section: f. 109rb–f. 109vb.1
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Laud Misc. 610/Leabhar na Rátha 
context: Senchas síl Ír   incipit: Rombe lathe rordu rind   

7 qq attributed to Conchobar.

f. 109rb-109va.1  
f. 85v.2ff  
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 502/2 (ff. 19-89) 
context: Senchas síl Ír   incl. Ro-mbáe laithi rordu rind, A Fhiachnae na ráid in gáe   Genealogical sections headed: (a) De forslointib .h. nEchach (f. 85r.15-19); (b) De forslointib Ulad iar coitchiund inso (f. 85r.19-f. 85v.), incl. verse attr. to either Cú Chulainn or Conchobor mac Nessa, beg. Rombae laithi rordu rind (3qq, f. 85v.2ff), and verse attr. to Mongán mac Fiachnai (Mongan m. Fiachna cecinit do thecosc a athar), beg. A Fhiachnae na raid in gae (23qq); (c) Item g. Con Caulaind (f. 85v.32, with heading in left margin), pedigree of Cú Chulainn, occupying one line followed by an erasure of about five lines; (d) G. Sil Moga Ruith (85v.38-54), with pedigrees for Cú Allaid and Mog Ruith, ending i sunn condrecat fri Ciarraige. Ed. CGH 278-286.
in section: f. 85r(157).15–f. 85v(158).42